The forest carbon offset project on the aerial management of forest fires implemented by RUSAL in the Krasnoyarsk region was registered in the carbon units registry of the Russian Federation. Previously, in November 2023, an independent nationally approved third-party auditor validated the project in order to ensure that the project meets all national rules and requirements for this type of carbon offset project.
The implementation of the carbon-offset project is scheduled for the period up until 2033. During this period, the implementation will ensure the sequestration of several million tonnes of CO2 equivalent.
RUSAL began implementing its forest carbon offset project in 2019 when the company signed the Agreement with the Federal Forestry Service (RUSLESKHOZ) and the Government of the Krasnoyarsk region concerning the «Implementation of Voluntary Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Absorption Projects in the Region». Later, in 2021, the importance of sustainable forest management, forest protection and conservation, including forest fire management, was highlighted among other mitigation and adaptation measures within Russia's Low Carbon Development Strategy framework.
RUSAL's project is the first voluntary forest carbon offset project on the aerial management of forest fires in Russia. The implementation of the project means that the emissions of GHG are reduced or prevented, and the absorption of GHG is increased. The carbon offsetting outcomes are measured in tons of CO2 equivalent and quantified according to the national methodological requirements also with reference to international experience. In November 2023, RUSAL's project was awarded the 'Best project aimed at reducing climate impact and adapting to climate change' title in the national contest 'Trusted Partner: Environment'.
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