WAP company workers protest over renewal of union office in Guinea, bauxite transportation halts

AL Circle

On 28th April 2021, at the Dapilon bauxite mining site in Boke tension rose high, as the workers from the WAP company blocked the road to the mining port, halting the transport of bauxite.

Protests in Guniea Bauxite mine


As per our report, the workers' primary demand in particular is the renewal of their union office whose mandate has expired.

Following their demonstration in the previous week, workers from the mining company WAP made their voices heard again on 28th April. They stormed the Dapilon mining road, blocking access to the site and preventing any bauxite transport activity.

The demonstrators demanded: “Renewal of our union office whose mandate has expired and the improvement of their working conditions.”

The workers are astute to have a new union office before the commencement of rail transport which many see as a threat to jobs within the consortium, something that officials of the mining company would refuse.

Clashes broke out between the demonstrators and the police forces deployed on the scene, while the administration proceeded to arrests.

AlCircle Expo 2021

The crisis initiated 6 months ago, when the local authorities have been negotiating between the mining company WAP and its employees, but no favourable outcome cropped up. Presently, the mining port of Dapilon is closed, and the bauxite transportation is halted.

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