Primary aluminium weekly: Vedanta Aluminium’s CEO John Slaven gets appointed as IAI’s Vice-Chairman; Glencore extends aluminium supply contract with Rusal

AL Circle

The aluminium industry is witnessing significant leadership changes and strategic partnerships aimed at fostering sustainability and growth. Recent appointments at the International Aluminium Institute (IAI) and PETROSOL, coupled with key industry moves involving Glencore, Rusal, and TALCO, denote the dynamic evolution of the sector. These developments highlight the crucial role of aluminium in advancing global manufacturing towards a zero-carbon future and strengthening international collaborations.

Primary aluminium weekly: Vedanta Aluminium’s CEO John Slaven gets appointed as IAI’s Vice-Chairman; Glencore extends aluminium supply contract with Rusal


IAI Appoints Vedanta Aluminium’s CEO John Slaven as Vice-Chairman

The International Aluminium Institute (IAI) has appointed John Slaven, CEO of Vedanta Aluminium, as one of its new vice-chairmen. In this role, Slaven will spearhead global initiatives promoting aluminium's pivotal role in transforming manufacturing into a zero-carbon industry. The IAI, established in 1972, has been a singular advocate for responsible aluminium production and its benefits across various sectors, maintaining comprehensive global data with 40 years of analysis.

Slaven expressed his commitment to reinforcing aluminium’s limitless potential, emphasising its essential role in the transition to a net zero future. His extensive experience in metals, mining, and modern manufacturing, coupled with his leadership at Vedanta Aluminium, positions him to significantly impact the IAI’s mission. Under his guidance, Vedanta has achieved recognition as the most sustainable aluminium company globally, according to the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment 2023.

PETROSOL Appoints VALCO’s Former CEO Daniel Acheampong as Board Chairman

PETROSOL Platinum Energy Ltd has named Daniel Acheampong, former CEO of Volta Aluminium Company Ltd (VALCO), as its Board Chairman. Acheampong, who assumed his role on May 16, 2024, brings a wealth of experience in strategic leadership and human resource management. His illustrious 36-year career at VALCO, including his tenure as CEO, has cemented his reputation as a cornerstone of Ghana’s aluminium industry.

Acheampong’s leadership at VALCO was marked by significant operational excellence and stakeholder confidence. Recognised for his contributions, VALCO named a state-of-the-art steam boiler after him. Acheampong’s appointment aligns with PETROSOL’s strategic vision, promising to guide the company towards achieving its objectives with a results-oriented approach. His extensive board experience and commitment to professionalism and integrity make him a valuable asset to PETROSOL’s leadership.

Glencore and Rusal Extend Aluminium Supply Contract

Glencore and Rusal have extended their long-term aluminium supply contract, ensuring continued collaboration between the Swiss trading house and the Russian aluminium giant. The contract renewal underlines the mutual benefits derived from this partnership, despite the relatively low trading volumes thus far. This extension reflects both companies' confidence in the aluminium industry’s future, despite the challenging economic environment marked by declining metal prices and geopolitical tensions.

The Metals and Minerals Price Index of the World Bank noted a marginal decrease in aluminium prices in the fourth quarter of 2023, with projections indicating a further decline in 2024. However, industry experts anticipate price stabilization in 2025. Glencore's significant purchase volumes from Rusal, despite sanctions on Russian aluminium by the US and UK, highlight the complexities of the global aluminium market.

China Assists Tajikistan in Modernising TALCO

China has committed to assisting Tajikistan in modernising the Tajik Aluminum Company (TALCO), the country’s largest industrial enterprise. TALCO's output increased by 7% in 2023, and further growth is projected. Recent agreements between Chinese and Tajik officials include plans for significant infrastructure projects, reflecting the deepening bilateral relations.

Despite positive growth, TALCO faces production bottlenecks and is actively seeking investors to enhance its capabilities. China’s support is expected to play a crucial role in overcoming these challenges and driving future development.

The aluminium industry's strategic appointments and partnerships illustrate a concerted effort to harness the metal’s potential in sustainable manufacturing and international collaboration. With strong leadership and renewed alliances, the industry is poised for significant advancements towards a greener and more integrated global economy.

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