NHS Queen's Medical Centre: Willmott Dixon to replace existing panes with recycled aluminium windows

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Nottingham-based Queen's Medical Centre (QMC) is making significant strides towards achieving net-zero emissions by replacing several windows. This is part of a 15-year program led by Nottingham University Hospitals (NUH) NHS Trust and E.ON to decarbonise Nottingham hospitals. Under the decarbonisation plan comes the replacement of the existing hospital windows with recycled aluminium counterparts.

NHS Queen's Medical Centre: Willmott Dixon to replace existing panes with recycled aluminium windows


The project, which Willmott Dixon is carrying out, is expected to help the hospital reduce 45 per cent carbon emissions by 2030 and save an estimated £5m per year in energy costs. This is a commendable initiative that not only benefits the environment but also helps the hospital save a significant amount of money, which can be directed towards enhancing healthcare services.

A fascinating story encompasses the windows at QMC, as they are ancient, like the hospital itself, dating back to its opening in 1977. The good news is that these outdated windows are currently in the process of being replaced with modern frames made from 80% recycled aluminium.

Not only will this upgrade improve airtightness and heat retention, but it will also enhance patient comfort with the installation of new double-glazed panes. The new windows will cover an area of over 18,000 square metres and will be installed in all four of the hospital's main blocks. What's more impressive is that this project is being carried out while the hospital remains fully operational.

The deputy managing director at Willmott Dixon, Nick Gibb, commented: "Working alongside E.ON, this window refit initiative is part of a long-term proactive approach to tackle the climate crisis, something which hugely benefits NUH Trust in the form of cost savings and creating a better environment for patients and staff."

"A key part of this project was about ensuring QMC can care for its patients as normal, and we are proud to have been recognised as sustainability experts within the healthcare sector who are able to overcome the challenges posed by working in a live hospital environment," Dixon added.

"We are grateful to E.ON, NUH Trust and our delivery partners for their collaborative effort to achieve our shared goal of improving QMC's offering for patients and staff while reducing the hospital's impact on the planet," the deputy managing director claimed.

This window replacement project is underway through the funding of the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme, under Salix Finance. The Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) will oversee the project. The task is expected to be completed in 2024, bringing the company one step closer to a more eco-friendly surrounding. 

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