China's production of qualified passenger NEVs grew in November by 24% M-o-M, but dropped by 42% Y-o-Y

AL Circle

According to the data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), China in November produced about 89,000 units of qualified new energy passenger vehicles, up 23.96 per cent from October, backed by the outstanding performance of the pure electronic vehicles market. But yearly basis, the output recorded a decline for the fifth consecutive month by almost 42 per cent.

China's new electric paseenger vehicles production in November


The production of pure electronic vehicles that obtained qualification certificates increased by 29.3 per cent over the month in November, with the output of Bestune’s B30EV400 model soaring 235.44 per cent.

Along with the production, sales of passenger NEVs also registered a year-on-year decline for the fifth straight month in November.

According to Shanghai Metals Market survey, around 82,000 NEVs had received qualification certificates in October, up 8.5 per cent from 76,000 NEVs in September. New energy passenger vehicles accounted for the greatest share of 86.8 per cent, while new energy busses took up the smallest of 3.7 per cent. Between January and September, the production of NEVs with qualification certificates came in at 913,000 units.

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