British automotive company LOTUS Cars to create 125 jobs in Norfolk

AL Circle

British Car manufacturer Lotus is to bring its steel fabrication and lightweight structures facilities together under one roof in Norfolk in a drive that will create 125 jobs.

British automotive company Lotus Cars


Headquartered in Hethel, the company will invest in its Hurricane Way factory in Norwich to create a new high-tech sub-assembly facility.

It will make the aluminium extruded and bonded aluminium chassis for the Evora, Exige and Elise Lotus sports cars, along with manufacturing of aluminium components for other global car companies.

British auto maker Lotus car company to creates jobs

The automaker has planned for 50 jobs initially, with a further 75 is also included in the plan.

David Hewitt, Executive Director of Operations at Lotus Cars, said: "By bringing the aluminium chassis and steel sub-assembly manufacturing businesses together into one facility, we can further improve upon efficiencies and productivity for Lotus manufacturing.”

British Car manufacturer Lotus to create 125 jobs

"Being located close to Lotus’ HQ in Hethel, Norfolk, where all Lotus cars are assembled, will also benefit the business as we expand further into the future."

New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership supported the move. Chris Starkie, CEO of the organisation, added: "We are delighted to have helped Lotus complete this deal to develop a new production facility in Norwich."

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"It underlines the commitment of this globally-recognised brand to the county with which it is synonymous, and reinforces our region as a centre of excellence in low volume, high-tech manufacturing."

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