China’s A00 aluminium ingot price marks W-o-W surge of RMB620/t; Alumina price soars by RMB42/t


On Wednesday, May 22, China’s A00 aluminium ingot price expanded by RMB 330 per tonne to settle at RMB 21,090 per tonne, with the spot contract price expected to be traded at a discount price of RMB 160 to RMB 120 per tonne. On a W-o-W calculation, the domestic aluminium ingot price has surged by RMB per tonne from RMB 20,470 per tonne, as recorded on April 22. The price has also skyrocketed by RMB 2,720 per tonne Y-o-Y from RMB 18,370 per tonne recorded on May 22, 2023. 

China’s A00 aluminium ingot price marks W-o-W surge of RMB620/t; Alumina price soars by RMB42/t


A00 aluminium ingot prices in other regions

As of today, the average prices may stand between RMB 21,070 per tonne and RMB 21,110 per tonne. On the same day, the A00 aluminium ingot prices in regions like Gongyi and Foshan have hiked by RMB 390 per tonne and RMB 350 per tonne to clock at RMB 20,970 per tonne and RMB 21,030 per tonne. In Linyi and Chongqing, the prices have risen by RMB 330 per tonne to RMB 21,090 per tonne and RMB 21,060 per tonne. In Wuxi and Hangzhou, the price has increased by RMB 320 per tonne to reside at RMB 21,080 per tonne, followed by Shenyang, where it has experienced the same price hike to land at RMB 21,010 per tonne. On the same day, the price in Tianjin moved up by RMB 280 per tonne to RMB 21,010 per tonne. 

The domestic price of low-carbon aluminium has gained RMB 327 per tonne to stand at RMB 22,042 per tonne. The price of high-purity aluminium (99.99%) and high-purity aluminium (99.996%) has surged by RMB 300 per tonne to settle at RMB 28,500 per tonne and RMB 29,500 per tonne, respectively. 

Alumina prices

The average alumina spot price has soared up by RMB 42 per tonne to land at RMB 3,773 per tonne. On the same day, the price in Shandong, Henan, Guangxi and Bayuquan surged by RMB 50 per tonne to settle at RMB 3,740 per tonne, RMB 3,760 per tonne, RMB 3,820 per tonne and RMB 3,830 per tonne. In Lianyungang, the alumina price has also grown by RMB 50 per tonne to settle at RMB 3,825 per tonne. In Shanxi and Guizhou, the prices have increased by RMB 30 per tonne to stand at RMB 3,795 per tonne and RMB 3,765 per tonne.

The price of aluminium alloy (A356) has expanded by RMB 300 per tonne to land at RMB 21,600 per tonne, with average prices between RMB 21,400 per tonne and RMB 21,800 per tonne. As per the SMM data, for aluminium alloys (ADC12) and aluminium alloy (A380) the prices have added RMB 100 per tonne to dock at RMB 20,600 per tonne and RMB 21,600 per tonne. For (ADC12) the average prices may stand between RMB 20,500 per tonne and RMB 20,700 per tonne. On the same day, for (A380) the average price may orbit between RMB 21,500 per tonne and RMB 21,700 per tonne.

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