Hydro Aluminium UK Ltd's commitment to health and safety excellence gets recognised by RoSPA

AL Circle

Hydro Aluminium UK Ltd, a prominent subsidiary of the global aluminium giant Norsk Hydro, has showcased its unwavering dedication to health and safety, achieving significant recognition in the UK's premier health and safety awards. At the RoSPA Awards, Hydro Aluminium UK Ltd garnered a Gold Achievement Award and the Best New Entry Award, reflecting its exemplary health and safety standards and innovative initiatives.

Hydro Aluminium UK Ltd's commitment to health and safety excellence gets recognised by RoSPA


Hydro Aluminium UK's dual accolades from The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) highlight the company's robust health and safety management systems. The Gold Achievement Award underlines the company's comprehensive approach to health and safety, meticulously documented and demonstrated over the past year. Initiatives such as safety stand down days, a family fun day, and extracurricular first aid training exemplify their proactive stance. Additionally, the installation of defibrillators for public use defines their commitment to community welfare.

Ian Bould from Hydro Aluminium UK implied: “We’re thrilled to win RoSPA’s Best New Entry Award (UK) and a Gold Achievement Award during our first year in the scheme. Safety is paramount at Hydro Aluminium UK, and this award reflects our team’s dedication and determination to make health and safety an absolute priority.”

The company's dedication to initiating a culture of safety is further exemplified by the recognition of Erika Curnow, an apprentice interim manager at Hydro Aluminium UK Ltd. Curnow was honored with RoSPA’s Inspiring Women in Safety Award for her exceptional contributions to health and safety within the organisation, highlighting the impact of individual leadership in driving safety standards.

The RoSPA Health and Safety Awards, sponsored by EcoOnline, are among the most prestigious in the occupational health and safety sector. Now in its 68th year, the program attracts nearly 2,000 entries from almost 60 countries, emphasising the global importance of workplace safety. The awards scrutinise an organisation's overall health and safety management systems, focusing on leadership, workforce involvement, and continuous improvement.

Matt Cryer, Head of the RoSPA Awards narrated: “As a newcomer to the RoSPA Awards, Hydro Aluminium UK has made a remarkable impression with their approach and commitment to health and safety. Their comprehensive approach to workplace safety sets a high standard for other organisations to follow.”

“Hydro Aluminium UK’s recognition with the Best New Entry Award (UK) highlights their proactive efforts in creating a safe workplace for their employees, aligning with RoSPA’s mission to prevent accidents and save lives,” Cryer added. 

Matt Rouse, SVP Customer Success, Europe at EcoOnline, the organisation that sponsored the Best New Entry Award, stated: “We are proud to sponsor RoSPA’s Best New Entry Award and are excited to see the determination organisations have to ensure their employees get home safely at the end of the working day. We extend a huge congratulations to Hydro Aluminium UK and look forward to seeing how they progress within the RoSPA Awards Scheme.”

Hydro Aluminium UK Ltd’s accolades from RoSPA are a testament to its commitment to creating a safe working environment. As the company continues to innovate and enhance its safety protocols, it sets a benchmark for the aluminium industry, reinforcing the importance of health and safety in sustainable operations. 

If you wish to learn more about the international aluminium sector, please have a look at AL Circle's special report, Global Aluminium Industry Outlook.  

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