Hindalco’s latest price hike brings its aluminium ingot price to INR248500/t

AL Circle

This week, dated May 15 and 16, Hindalco’s aluminium prices saw two consecutive days of alteration. On Wednesday, May 15, Hindalco’s aluminium prices were cut from the previous week in line with the LME aluminium price fall, while Hindalco’s prices on May 16 saw an elevation in concurrence with the LME aluminium price hike. 

Hindalco’s latest price hike brings its aluminium ingot price to INR248500/t


On May 15, Hindalco trimmed its aluminium ingot price by INR 3,250 per tonne, or 1.31 per cent, to INR 244000 per tonne. As far as aluminium wire rod and billet prices were concerned, they too experienced a cut of INR 3,250 per tonne, reaching INR 261,000 per tonne and INR 258,100 per tonne, respectively.

On the subsequent day, Hindalco increased its aluminium ingot price by INR 4,500 per tonne or 1.84 per cent to INR 248,500 per tonne as of May 16. Hindalco’s aluminium wire rod and billet prices also saw the same growth on May 16, coming in at INR 265,500 per tonne and INR 262,600 per tonne, respectively.

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